Dog Run

Suggested Instructions for Dog Run
Suggested area – 4’ x 6′ – 8′

Run should ideally be placed near a door where you can access the run conveniently.

If being installed on a grassy area it is a good idea to remove the grass or put down the weed material.

Install your fencing. I use the portable chain link fence. It is simple to put together and you can have it made in sizes. I recommend either 5’ or 6’ high. If you use 5’, you have to be sure and watch your head, as portable fencing has a top bar for the gate area. I would also recommend you use treated wood, I use 1’x12”, on the OUTSIDE of the fence to hold in the gravel. It will need to be about 2’ high. It is a good idea to put it about 2-3’ high in the back of the run.

Next put down a base of drainage type sand approximately 4-5 inches deep. Once it is down and smooth, I place the 1/4″ galvanized hardware cloth on top of the sand.  Attach it down with 11′ sod stakes.  This is to prevent the puppy/dog from digging into the sand.  Some will dig some will never dig, but better to be safe than sorry.

Next put down medium size gravel, (#7 Granite Stone) This should be approximately 6 inches deep.  It runs about $45.00 per ton and can be order from almost any landscaping contractor.  You of course can use any type rock you like, but beware of the smaller size as it can be easily swallowed.

I recommend using some type of cover for part of the run so the dog can still go out in bad weather.  Bichons do not usually like to get wet.

The run concept really helps keep your bichon cleaner and greatly assists with the housebreaking ritual!

It is also better for flea control as the dog does not have access to pine straw, which fleas love!, and they can’t dig in the mud or otherwise get into trouble.

NEVER leave your dog unattended in the run while you run to the store or leave the house. These dogs are very popular and very tempting for someone to acquire. They should also not be left in the runs for really long periods, especially on hot days.

I would purchase a pooper scooper to remove the poop. I spay down my runs using a hose with a sprayer attached using plain old bleach. With one dog should not have to do it often.

I am starting the process of totally relaying my runs and I will post pictures of the process.